About Me

I am Funty.
I was born on 17.05.2006
I am a German student who likes to code. Don't expect too much from my projects, because basically the purpose behind my projects is to learn.
I am working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Node.js and much more.
I don`t learn a specific programming language, I think of a project and then learn what I need to make it. So I keep learning and don't get bored of theoretics.


github My name on GitHub is FuntyGithub.
There you can find the most of my projects.


discord My Discord name is Funty#8818.
This is a good way to contact me.



This is the website you are currently on.
It is a simple website that links all my projects that have something to do with websites.


This is the website was for a project in a game called minecraft.

Birthday countdown

This is a simple website that shows how many days are left until a birthday.
It is one of my first websites.

Credits website

A example website to give credits to the people who helped you.

DateAPI website

This website helps you to understand the minecraft account called DateAPI.
DateAPI is a bot I coded for minecraft.


This website converts text to an image containing the text.


This site calculate PI. (very slow)

and more...

I have also contributed to other websites such as vanillaminigames.eu or tomatenkuchen.eu.
There will always be more to come!